Our story begins in 1943 in Moygashel, a small village in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland. What started out as one family-run farm has since grown into over 700 farms, spread far and wide across Northern Ireland and Great Britain.
Moy Park Chicken took over ownership and management of the Ulster Farmers Cooperative, along with a factory based in Moira. That factory came to be Moy Park Ltd, the first of its kind.
Our growth journey began to take shape in 1963, when we began to expand into markets in mainland UK, allowing us to quadruple capacity in 1966 with the building of a new factory.
Production increased ten-fold in the early ‘70s, with our agriculture and broiler segments developing at a similar pace.
Fun fact: we were the first company in the UK to introduce free-range chickens in the ‘80s and organic chickens in the ‘90s. With more expansions, investments and builds in the years to come, our growth was explosive, becoming the world’s 9th largest poultry company and the 4th largest red meat company in 2008.
Our story begins in 1943, starting out as a single family-run farm in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland.
In 1960, we became Moy Park Chicken, with our first factory based in Moira.
In 1966, our growth journey really takes off with our expansion into supermarkets throughout the UK.
During the ‘80s, we were the first company in the UK to introduce free-range chickens.
In the ‘90s, we continually strived for better by introducing organic chickens to our farms.
Now, we employ 10,000 people and span over 700 farms nationwide.
Moy Park’s farmers have been apart of our family for decades – 80 years of passion and love for what they do has been passed down through generations.
Every single day, our farmers are dedicated to providing the highest standards of animal welfare and husbandry, ensuring a high quality product on your kitchen table from farm to fork. Through years of expertise and always striving for better, they guarantee that our customers can truly taste the difference in the best way.
Check out @moyparkchicken #ThisIsHome